Pride Walk
Who has PRIDE? WE DO!
Join me on this unique experience as we strut through the streets of the Village and West Village of NYC: The birthplace of the modern LGBTQ movement. We will soak in the ambiance of Washington Square Park, and sashay through NYC's oldest "still intact" neighborhood. We will meet local performers, have a pit stop at Stonewall, search for a perfect brownstone, and end with the AIDS Memorial and LGBTQ Center all while hearing stories of Kings and Queens who made this place marvelous. This is an adventure that you don't want to miss. Let's put the capital "P" in Pride.
Unique Boutiques of the East Village
The East Village, NYC was once the home of the most creative people from the past century and a half. In this wonderful Drag Queen Tours experience, I will take you around the East Village to browse multiple shops. Here you'll be finding fabulous clothes, yummy delights, funky underground stores, and sashaying through the streets on the LES in this fabulous walking tour experience.

Pride Walk- The Center LGBTQ

Pride Walk- Stonewall Inn

Pride Walk - Sharidan Square

Pride Walk- The Center LGBTQ
Pride Walk Highlights
LGBTQ + and Pride History is important me and all. Join me on this fun adventure and we can make your own Her-Story.

Unique Boutiques of the East Village - Search and Destroy

Unique Boutiques of the East Village - Trash and Vaudeville

Unique Boutiques of the East Village

Unique Boutiques of the East Village - Search and Destroy
Unique Boutiques of the East Village Highlights
This tour is made for finding treasures in gorgeous little stores that make your heart SAAANG. In regard to history, this tour is dedicated to the true rebels or revolutionaries that influence NYC's best neighborhood: Punks, Beatniks, Hippies, Immigrant, and Abraham Lincoln (Yes, GURL, that guy).

Drag Me Through Mid-Town

Drag Me Through Mid-Town - Times Square

Drag Me Through Mid-Town -Carnegie Hall, NYC

Drag Me Through Mid-Town
Drag Me Through Mid-Town Highlights
Mid-Town Manhattan, Center of the Universe- If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. As crazy as this place can be with its lights, cars, people you will never feel like a tourist with me. You will be filled with wanderlust: Whether it's telling a secret story in Whispering Hall in Grand Central Station or screaming out-loud in Times Square. Let's make this city your own. Let's make you shine.

Bad Ass B*tches of the Highline

Bad Ass B*tches of the Highline

Bad Ass B*tches of the Highline- Max Touhey

Bad Ass B*tches of the Highline
Bad Ass B*tches of the Highline Highlights
Being called a Bad Ass B!tch can be a term of endearment, Darrrrling. We strut down this flying public park as I share stories of all the "ladies" who made the Highline a big deal in NYC.

Glamorous Life of 5th Avenue - Rockerfeller Center.2

Glamorous Life of 5th Avenue Tour- The Plaza

Glamorous Life of 5th Ave. Bergdorf Goodmans

Glamorous Life of 5th Avenue - Rockerfeller Center.2
Glamorous Life of 5th Ave. Highlights
Opulence Darling, you own everything! As a fashion savant, going ga-ga over the glamorous clothes at Dior, Prada, Gucci, and windows of Bergdorf Goodman's-- they are just drool worthy! Why just look? We go inside the stores to examine the goods!
Plus, we enjoy checking out Rockerfeller Center, Saint Patrick's Cathedral , and Plaza Hotel.
Darling, you are ready for this kind of experience.